Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Truth in Fiction

Originally posted on The Brit Babes

As I handed over a copy of my latest novel, Tied to You, to a friend last week she asked me the question that seems to come with the territory of writing erotic romance:

“So how much of this is about you?”

I was quick to reassure her that it was all fiction, a product of a very overactive imagination, but I have to confess that I was telling a little white lie. Because at the end of the day, no matter how much of a story comes from our imagination, there are always elements of ourselves imbedded into the narrative.

The reason for the white lie then? Well, I am sure my nearest and dearest don’t really want me to admit to what I get up to in the bedroom with the Hubby, even if he is always happy to participate in a little ‘research’, and most importantly of all there are simply things that I like to keep private.

No matter how much I keep to myself though, I do find it seeping into my writing. When I wrote my first novel, Thirty Days Have September, I was feeling adrift following a sudden move from Australia back to the UK. While I might have been pretending to everyone in my ‘real’ life that everything was okay, my main character’s depression and feelings of abandonment very much echoed how I was feeling at the time. I never I intended to write it that way, but as the words flowed out of me it seemed like so many things from my subconscious found its way into the story.

While I am very upfront about who I am as a person and the fact that I write what I write, I am still careful about how I am perceived, hence the need for some ‘creative’ truths. So when people ask me that question I am quick to tell them how marvellous Google is. I might be avoiding the truth but at the end of the day we are all entitled to a few secrets.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Let's talk about SMUT, baby!

Last Saturday I spent the day in a basement. I know that sounds a bit kinky and indeed it kinda was...
This was the first SMUT event I have attended and to say that I was as little nervous at first was a bit of an understatement. The idea of being in a roomful of authors that I have long admired was intimidating to say the least. So what happens when you put a load of erotica authors in room together and get them to start describing fruit and let them play with whips? Well maybe that should be left a well-kept secret (insert a winky face here).

But what I can say is that a thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all and I certainly came away with a head buzzing with ideas and a few more ways to tie someone up. But best of all, I got to actually hang out with those other authors and discover the people behind the Facebook profiles.

So if you fancy joining us for one of these awesome SMUT-tastic days, whether you are a reader or a writer, check out http://ilovesmut.uk for upcoming events.

And don't forget... the Erotic World Book Day charity anthology An Intimate Education, is still available to buy HERE
The anthology is a compilation of sexy stories covering the entire spectrum of sexuality with a wealth of erotic writing talent involved, including 22 stories from bestselling and new erotic authors. 100% of the profit from sales of this book will be donated to Brook, the sexual health and well-being organisation.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Let's Celebrate!

March 5th is typically World Book Day here in the UK. But in addition to that, it also playing host to the first ever Erotic World Book Day (#EWBD), created to celebrate erotica while raising vital funds for sexual health and well-being organisation Brook.

Erotic World Book Day sees the release of charity anthology An Intimate Education, a compilation of sexy stories covering the entire spectrum of sexuality. There’s a wealth of erotic writing talent involved, with 22 stories from bestselling and new erotic authors. 100% of the profit from sales of this book will be donated to Brook.

Join in the fun at the Erotic World Book Day Facebook Party commencing at 7pm GMT. With over £1,500 of sensational prizes up for grabs as well as some hot excerpts to enjoy and plenty of other sexy entertainment it guaranteed to be an awesome evening.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Food, glorious food

One of the things I love about being a writer is being able to live vicariously through my characters. Being a bit of a 'foodie' myself I love being able to write scenes where my characters go out for meal or stay in and cook because it means I can pick whatever I fancy off the menu without any consequences, especially when it comes to the dessert! 

Sometimes I write about places I have actually been, like Clancy's, am amazing fish restaurant in Western Australia which I featured in my latest novel, Tied to You. Everything that I mentioned were my own favourite dishes and just by writing about it I could imagine that I was there with Liv and Alex on City Beach.

Other times I will have to search via the fabulous Google for a venue that fits the setting in my book so when Liv and Alex head out for brunch it is to the very real Bluebird on the Kings Road in Chelsea. Liv's breakfast of eggs royale was very much what I was craving the day I wrote that particular scene so that's what I chose.

But sometimes I have to fib a little...My Thirty Days series features Abby, baker-extraordinaire. While I love to cook myself, I am useless at baking and instead that feat falls to my amazing husband who has the ultimate patience when it comes to weighing and measuring. All those amazing confections that Abby produces are actually goodies that he has produced himself and I do actually get to enjoy. So by talking about it in my books I actually get to savour their deliciousness twice. Yum!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Clits, Cocks & Cashew Nuts: The secret life of an erotic romance writer

It's funny old thing this writing lark. When I was younger I head this idea in my head that to write you had to find the right setting... a gite in France, a view of a caribbean beach or even some atmospheric woods. But the reality is that I can't afford the caribbean view and to be honest I probably would get less writing down if I had that temptation in front of me. I also had this idea that to be able to write a sexy scene you needed to feel sexy yourself...put something nice on, wear make-up etc.

But here's the rub (no pun intended!), as a writer everything comes out of your head so nothing else really matters. Like this morning, I am sat in my comfiest stretchy jeans and hair tied back in a decidedly unflattering ponytail, listening to Highway to Hell played on a cello, munching on cashew nuts whilst banging out (yes I went there!) a particularly steamy sex scene. And yes it is hot. I might be less than sexy sat here but that doesn't mean what comes out of my head can't be x-rated.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Friday, 6 February 2015

Freebie Friday

Welcome to the weekend! If you are looking for a saucy read that is being described as"a feel good Harlequin Signature novel meets Fifty-Shades" then look no further than Tied to You.

Book description:
What happens when you hit rock bottom and can’t see a way out? Do you take the handsome stranger’s indecent proposal that seems too good to be true?In a word, yes

Desperation will make you do crazy things, like giving up a year of your life and travelling halfway around the world to marry a gorgeous Aussie winemaker who seems to come with more baggage than he knows what to do with. 

I know I should keep my distance but there is something about him that just draws me in. Maybe it is the way he always seems to be there for me when I need it most, or that he just seems to know the right thing to say. 

All I know is that the moment he kisses me on our wedding day, I am in trouble

Get your FREE copy today:

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Thirsty Thursday

Where is your favourite watering hole? 

My vote is Clancy's at City Beach in Perth, Western Australia

The sun is a bit lower in the sky now that it is late afternoon, and as we trudge down the sand towards the water’s edge, the light shimmers off the water, forcing me to don my sunglasses. I bravely pop my bare foot out, waiting to experience the chill of the water, like you would in the UK. But instead of bone-numbingly freezing, the water is cool and pleasant and I almost wish that I hadn’t left my costume in the car. I don’t know how long we stand there, both staring out into the ocean, but eventually Alex starts to fidget and suggests we head up to the fish place, Clancy’s.
Extract from Tied to You by Bibi Paterson

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Keeping up with the Jones

It's amazing... 10 years ago social media was still in its infancy yet today we connect with all manner of devices more powerful than my first computer. But the pace of change recently sends my head spinning.... And as a self-published author this is no time to rest on my laurels. So I have created my first book trailer.... I would love to know what you think?

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Would you like to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card?

The new year is ringing in some new changes and the biggest one is the creation of my new Bibi Paterson Facebook group. I am hoping that this will be a place where all of you can stay up-to-date with the latest competitions, teasers and exclusive behind-the-scenes guff. But most importantly, I hope it will become an interactive place that we can all hang out and have a great time

For the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card, join my new Facebook group via the giveaway link below:
The draw will take place on 1st Feb and the winner will be announced on the group page.

Good luck!