It's funny old thing this writing lark. When I was younger I head this idea in my head that to write you had to find the right setting... a gite in France, a view of a caribbean beach or even some atmospheric woods. But the reality is that I can't afford the caribbean view and to be honest I probably would get less writing down if I had that temptation in front of me. I also had this idea that to be able to write a sexy scene you needed to feel sexy yourself...put something nice on, wear make-up etc.
But here's the rub (no pun intended!), as a writer everything comes out of your head so nothing else really matters. Like this morning, I am sat in my comfiest stretchy jeans and hair tied back in a decidedly unflattering ponytail, listening to Highway to Hell played on a cello, munching on cashew nuts whilst banging out (yes I went there!) a particularly steamy sex scene. And yes it is hot. I might be less than sexy sat here but that doesn't mean what comes out of my head can't be x-rated.
Keep banging out those ace reads!!