Saturday, 14 May 2016

Day 12

Author Life Month: Killed Darlings

When I started writing my Thirty Days series I knew that Taylor's arch-nemesis, his own twin brother, would have to have his comeuppance in order for the couple to have their 'happily ever after'. But when I started writing the series even I didn't know exactly how it would end. I have to say that by the time the third book in the series had been completed, I knew that Richard had to die. The main characters, Abby and Taylor, had been through so much together and I found myself feeling almost gleeful in plotting Richard's demise. It felt almost like a game of Cluedo...The butler with a candlestick in the library

It's quite a strange thing to plan a fictional killing. I found that a rather bloodthirsty and sadistic side of my personality began to come out as I considered various situations. It was almost as if this was personal. And I guess it was...these characters had been living in my head for years by this point. I considered his demise from so many angles that it was finally a relief to get to the actual point of writing the crucial scene. But even then, I wasn't prepared for the twist that presented itself out of nowhere. Yes, sometimes we authors even surprise ourselves!

Thirty Days: The Complete Series (all four books in one) 
is now available to buy for only $4.99 from

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